This website provides links to a wide range of organisations that can, in these difficult times, provide help with food, energy and clothing needs, and advice/support regarding money matters, health and other issues.
Empowering parents, supporting parenting goals, being there for the parenting highs and the lows - for your wellbeing.
A site created by the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Alliance. Lots of educational resources for individuals diagnosed with PTSD, family, friends, those at risk of developing PTSD and healthcare professionals.
Help with with money and legal advice concerns.
Your local bureau might give advice by phone, email or in-person appointments.
If you are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, they can offer legal information and advice on civil measures and also advise you on your rights before, during and after reporting domestic abuse to the police, and when engaging with the criminal justice process.
A charity founded by Ruby Wax that runs peer support meetings across the UK for people feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by the stresses of modern life.
Recommended by our Recovery Practitioners.
National umbrella agency for 130 specialist organisations for support for the impact of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse throughout the UK and Ireland.
Carolyn Spring helps people reverse adversity and recover from trauma through her blogs, videos, podcasts, books, resources and training.
Recommended by our Recovery Practitioners.
This site works closely with counsellors and psychotherapists. They have over 22,000 qualified private counsellors listed.
We know this is good for mental health in general; if you like doing yoga, or want to try it, there is an excellent YouTube 30 day yoga challenge available free. Click the link below.
Information and resources to help you understand and improve your mental health
They also have a good leaflet on complex trauma, which affects many people who have suffered from childhood sexual abuse.
The Scottish Government has an excellent training framework on trauma, and this can be accessed by following the above link.
An overview of our threat, drive and soothing systems can be found on an Australian website written by a clinical psychologist.